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Take the next step ...


Join the many hearts and hands working together to create positive and enriching experiences for our students, teachers and families. Whether you have just half an hour or an afternoon, love to be in the spotlight or behind the scenes, we have spot for you. 
Volunteer opportunities
  • Crossing Guard 

  • Workroom 

  • Landscape Beautification

  • Dad's Club

  • Yearbook

  • 6th Grade Help

  • Room Parent/Classroom Help

  • Teacher Appreciation luncheons 

  • Family Fun Events

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Questions? Email Jenni Walthall @    

Ready to volunteer?

Blurry Blue


Make sure you're a member of the PTA


Fill out the volunteer form


Complete VIPS background check

Thank you! Someone from our team will be in touch soon.

Volunteer of the month 

Notice someone being awesome?

Nominate them for volunteer of the month! 


We're so grateful for our volunteers and we would love to recognize them for their hard work and dedication. Use the link below to nominate an outstanding volunteer. 

Special opportunities

Bulldog Crossing Guards

Questions? Email Lauren Allen

If you are a dad or that special male in your Bulldog’s family, the Bedford Heights’ Dad's Club would like you to be a part of the group that is dedicated to helping make our school even better for everyone.


The Dad's Club is looking to make a difference by demonstrating to the children that males can also be a positive influence at an elementary school. Plans include being morning and afternoon greeters, being organized for events to function as a go-to team for heavy labor, and even offer their handyman services for various projects around the school!


Details can be obtained by filling out this google form:


You can also find us on Facebook!

Your participation would be greatly welcomed!

Carlos Loya - Dad's Club Chair

Dad's Club

Already a volunteer? Don't forget to log those hours!

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